
Ohio Crop Performance Trials

Weather data summary for the 2014-growing season

Alfalfa Trials

Performance summary - Standard trials (insecticide applied)

South Charleston, Ohio - 2011 Seeding

North Baltimore, Ohio - 2012 Seeding

Wooster, Ohio - 2013 Seeding

South Charleston, Ohio - 2014 Seeding

Clover Trials

Red Clover - South Charleston, Ohio - 2013 Seeding

White Clover - South Charleston, Ohio - 2013 Seeding

Grass Trials

Orchardgrass Variety Trial - South Charleston, OH - 2014 Spring Seeding

Tall Fescue Variety Trial - South Charleston, OH - 2014 Spring Seeding

Annual Ryegrass Variety Trial - South Charleston, OH - 2013 Fall Seeding

Address of Marketers

Download files of yield data for 2014:

All Yield Trials - PDF for Printing

Alfalfa Yield Trials - Excel

Clover Yield Trials - Excel

Grass Yield Trials - Excel

Forage Variety Trials in Other States


2014 Ohio Forage Performance Trials

Table 1:
Weather 2014
      Wooster             S. Charleston          N. Baltimore
Month Total DFA* Total DFA* Total DFA*
--------------------------------------Precipitation (inches of rainfall)--------------------------------------------
total DFA total DFA total DFA
Apr 5.56 2.26 5.09 1.09 3.85 0.55
May 2.65 -1.15 5.10 0.60 1.63 -1.67
June 5.71 1.81 4.94 0.74 4.16 0.56
July 2.74 -1.26 3.58 -0.42 1.88 -1.82
Aug 3.88 0.35 1.47 -1.93 0.77 -2.03
Sept 0.76 -2.14 1.19 -1.61 3.93 1.33
Oct 1.68 -0.62 2.04 -0.26 1.99 -0.31
Total 22.98 -0.75 23.41 -1.79 18.21 -3.39
            --------------------------------------Average Daily Temperature (°F)-------------------------------------------
Apr 50.5 2.4 52.6 1.6 49.9 1.0
May 61.2 2.8 62.8 1.7 62.0 2.4
June 59.8 2.2 71.8 1.5 71.9 2.4
July 69.3 -2.3 69.1 -4.7 69.3 -3.6
Aug 69.5 -0.5 71.4 -0.6 70.8 0.2
Sept 62.6 -1.2 63.9 -1.7 63.5 -0.9
Oct 52.4 0.2 52.5 -1.5 52.4 -0.2
*DFA = departure from long-term average