
Ohio Crop Performance Trials

Weather data summary for the 2015-growing season

Alfalfa Trials

Performance summary - Standard trials (insecticide applied)

Wooster, Ohio - 2013 Seeding

South Charleston, Ohio - 2014 Seeding

North Baltimore, Ohio - 2014 Seeding

Wooster, Ohio - 2016 Seeding

Grass Trials

Orchardgrass Variety Trial - South Charleston, OH - 2014 Spring Seeding

Tall Fescue Variety Trial - South Charleston, OH - 2014 Spring Seeding

Annual Ryegrass Variety Trial - South Charleston, OH - 2015 Fall Seeding

Cover Crop Evaluation Trial - South Charleston, OH - 2015

Address of Marketers

Download files of yield data for 2016:

All Yield Trials - PDF for Printing

Alfalfa Yield Trials - Excel

Grass Yield Trials - Excel

Forage Variety Trials in Other States

Forage Quality and Disease Information from Wisconsin and Minnesota

2016 Ohio Forage Performance Trials

Table 4: 
Alfalfa Variety Trial
Ohio, South Charleston, Sown 5-20-14
Variety 24-May 24-Jun 27-Jul 7-Sep 2016 2015 2014 2014-16
Released Cultivars:  --------------------------- Tons Dry Matter/Acre ------------------------------------
55Q27 2.24 1.75 1.47 1.28 6.74 7.08 1.47 15.30
55VR06 2.05 1.82 1.48 1.45 6.79 7.12 1.57 15.49
Caliber 2.23 1.55 1.41 1.28 6.47 6.88 1.28 14.59
Contender 2.13 1.60 1.51 1.27 6.52 6.83 1.48 14.87
Enduro Elite 2.10 1.40 1.42 1.25 6.19 6.77 1.38 14.32
Fierce 2.22 1.58 1.37 1.21 6.38 6.92 1.26 14.57
FSG 403 LR 2.31 1.77 1.50 1.35 6.94 7.06 1.63 15.60
FSG 424 2.13 1.80 1.58 1.23 6.74 6.72 1.37 14.81
FSG 524 2.12 1.89 1.48 1.18 6.67 6.67 1.39 14.79
L-455 HD 2.12 1.71 1.49 1.12 6.42 6.80 1.49 14.70
Mariner IV 2.52 1.93 1.54 1.42 7.42 7.22 1.68 16.30
Persist III 2.39 1.97 1.32 1.22 6.90 6.82 1.55 15.29
Vernal 2.14 1.61 1.38 1.22 6.35 6.46 1.48 14.31
Mean  2.21 1.69 1.46 1.27 6.63 6.86 1.48 14.97
LSD 0.05 0.31 0.31 0.21 0.15 0.72 0.56 0.24 1.20
Prob > F
0.19 ns <.01 0.61 ns <.01 0.11 ns 0.27 ns 0.03 0.06
CV % 9.81 12.86 10.10 8.49 7.58 5.66 11.37 5.61
MCV 14.0 18.4 14.4 12.1 10.8 8.1 16.2 8.0
LSR 64.8 53.9 82.1 46.7 57.9 73.0 58.0 60.3
* Variety tested using experimental seed that may not give performance identical to that of commercially available seed. 
Note: Stands for all varieties are at 95%.
Data subjected to Nearest Neighbor AOV, adjusted means reported.
ns = no significant differences among varieties.
Establishment: Seeded with a Hege 3-point hitch drill with presswheels at 16 lb/a.  
Plot size: 4' x 20' , 15'alleys and borders, RCBD with four reps.
Soil type / analysis: Crosby silt loam, pH=7.0, P=66 lbs/a, K= 256 lbs/a, CEC=11.7, O.M.=1.4, (11/15).
2016 Pest control: Insecticide was applied on 3-May for weevil contriol, and 9-June, 1-July, 18-August 
for potato leafhopper control. 
2016 Fertility: 300 lb/A of 0-0-60 and 150 lb of 11-52-0 was applied on 4/6/2016.